Community Update #25: Ain't No Party Like aWithers Party
社区更新 #25:威瑟斯派对最精彩
Howdy gang,
Like a holiday turkey overstuffed with a moist heap of meaty bread, so too haveyou overstuffed our collective heart here at Larian. Since our launch inAugust, over
1.3 million
players have completed Baldur's Gate3, which, to continue the holiday metaphor, has made even the most blackenedBelgian heart expand to at least three times its normal size. We’re so thrilledto see so many of you are loving - and, you know, finishing - the game.
就像节日里的火鸡被塞满了一堆湿润的肉面包一样,你们也塞满了我们 Larian 的心。自八月份推出以来,已经有超过 130 万玩家完成了《博德之门 3》,用节日的比喻来说,即使是最黑的比利时人的心脏也至少膨胀到了正常大小的三倍。我们非常高兴看到你们这么多人热爱并完成了这款游戏。
Even now, doctors are closely monitoring our David Walgrave in case he beginsto show signs of smiling.
直到现在,医生们还在密切关注我们的 David Walgrave,以防他开始出现微笑的迹象。
So to all of you veteran players of Baldur's Gate 3 - and those still waitingto experience these Forbidden Realms for themselves - today we bring youanother reason to return to Faerûn: Patch 5, our most feature-filled patchsince launch, comprised of brand new epilogues that bring closure to eachplayer’s unique journey, along with new game modes, and so much more.
因此,对于所有《博德之门 3》的老玩家,以及那些仍在等待亲身体验这些禁忌之域的玩家,今天我们为您带来了重返法鲁恩的另一个理由:第 5 补丁是我们自推出以来功能最齐全的补丁,包括为每位玩家的独特旅程画上句号的全新后记、新游戏模式以及更多内容。
Now without further ado: Patch 5.
现在,话不多说:补丁 5.
Journey’s End: Playable Epilogues Are TheFinal Chapter In Your Adventure
A chance to say goodbye
Set at camp in High Hall, with a view overlooking the city, this new playablechapter takes place six months after the events of Baldur’s Gate 3’s story, andis accessible to all players by loading the game prior to the final fight.
这一新的可玩章节发生在《博德之门 3》故事发生的六个月之后,所有玩家都可以在最后一战之前加载游戏。
Your epilogue
is defined by you. This is theculmination of every choice and consequence that you’ve made since the verystart of your adventure, a gigantic tree of permutations that leads to anopportunity to reflect on that journey before you say goodbye.
For the writers of Larian, this “final goodbye” has resulted in some of themost complex writing in the game thus far, as it takes advantage of Baldur'sGate 3’s reactivity across the entire adventure.
对于 Larian 的编剧来说,这次 "最后的告别 "是迄今为止游戏中最复杂的写作之一,因为它利用了《博德之门 3》在整个冒险过程中的反应性。
Getting the gang back together
You’ll experience
new cinematics
that reflect the arc of yourstory,
reunite with your companions
to reminisce and trade tales,read
letters sent by old friends
, and
keep abreast of the latest Baldur’s Gatenews
with updates in the Baldur’s MouthGazette. Not sure where you put Scratch’s ball? You can
play a game of fetch using the AstralPrism instead
the Forbidden Squeaky.
您将体验到反映您的故事发展的新电影,与您的同伴重聚,回忆往事,交换故事,阅读老朋友寄来的信件,并通过《博德之口公报》的更新了解《博德之门》的最新消息。不知道该把 Scratch 的球放在哪里?您可以用 Astral Prism(星际棱镜)--"禁忌吱吱"--来玩捡球游戏。
Though happy endings are never guaranteed, this final scene aims to bringclosure to your personal story, based on your choices.
It’s a tender moment to reflect on the last six months since you took on yourfinal challenge, together as a team, as well as your chance to say goodbyebefore the credits roll.
这是一个温情的时刻,你们可以回顾过去 6 个月来作为一个团队共同接受最后挑战的过程,也是在片尾字幕滚动之前道别的机会。
What else can you expect here? Well, there’s
new music from Bobby, brand new faces atcamp,
a special cinematic ending for Gale andLae’zel
depending on your choices along the way.
Patch 5 also features
fresh threads
, a hip phrase that my aged hands typedjust before turning to dust.
补丁 5 还采用了新鲜的线程,这是我年迈的双手在化为灰烬之前打出的时髦短语。
Shantay, you stay
Origin characters have received
new outfits
for this final party, includingShadowheart, who is going for a kind of cute “they don’t even know I’m god’sfavourite princess” party vibe.
在这场最后的派对上,原住民角色都换上了新装,包括暗影之心,她的派对风格是 "他们甚至不知道我是上帝最爱的公主",非常可爱。
Drip King
As modelled by Astarion above,
Orin’s outfit will now drop as loot
and can be worn by anyone. And it’sdyeable in the colour of your choosing.
Experience Baldur’s Gate 3 Like NeverBefore In Honour Mode And Custom Mode
Good luck, you’re going to need it
Alongside the new epilogue content come two new game modes, Honour Mode andCustom Mode.
Honour Mode ups the intensity of what was previously our most challenging mode- Tactician - and not only makes the game more difficult in and out of combat,but also introduces over 30 new tweaks to all of Baldur's Gate 3’s boss-fights,with a new Legendary Action system designed to catch players off-guard andincrease the challenge.
荣誉模式提高了以前最具挑战性的模式--"战术家"--的强度,不仅增加了战斗内外的游戏难度,还对《博德之门 3》的所有 BOSS 战斗进行了 30多处新的调整,并推出了新的 "传奇行动 "系统,旨在让玩家措手不及,增加挑战性。
Now, bosses can perform new actions, adding twists and turns to all majorfights throughout the game.
现在,BOSS 可以执行新的动作,为游戏中的所有主要战斗增添了曲折性。
Giant Spider Mama just wants to be leftalone, spews webbing
Survive Honour Mode And Receive The GoldenD20
在荣誉模式下存活并获得黄金 D20
They see me rollin’ 他们看到我在打滚
When you inevitably die in Honour Mode, you’ll be presented with statisticsfrom your journey, including how long and how far you survived. Should you sochoose, you can continue your adventure, which will then disable Honour Mode.
当你不可避免地在 "荣誉模式 "下死亡时,你会看到旅途中的统计数据,包括你存活的时间和距离。如果你选择继续冒险,那么 "荣誉模式 "就会失效。
But players who do manage to complete the entire game with Honour Mode enabledwithout dying will be awarded the coveted Golden D20.
但是,如果玩家能够在荣誉模式下完成整个游戏而不死亡,就会获得梦寐以求的金色 D20。
The Golden D20 stands as a testament to your gaming skill, earning you suchadmiration that people may willingly kneel before you, offering to serve as afootrest while you continue your awesome pursuits of being a hardcore gamer.
金色 D20 是你游戏技巧的见证,它让你赢得了人们的钦佩,人们可能会心甘情愿地跪在你面前,给你当脚垫,而你则继续你作为铁杆游戏玩家的伟大追求。
Or Customise Your Gameplay Experience For AMore Authentic Tabletop Experience
Play how you want to play
Those of you who aren’t gluttons for punishment (or perhaps want to pushgameplay to its limits) may enjoy Custom Mode, a new game mode that allows youto pick and choose the type of experience best for you.
那些不喜欢受惩罚的玩家(或者想把游戏玩到极限的玩家)可能会喜欢 "自定义模式",这是一种新的游戏模式,允许您选择最适合自己的体验类型。
With many options to pick from, a few favourites include the option to hide therequired roll to succeed dice checks, which gives a more realistic D&Dexperience, as well as the ability to hide enemy HP in battle, again moreclosely simulating the tabletop style.
游戏中有许多选项可供选择,其中最受欢迎的包括隐藏掷骰子成功所需的选项,这将带来更真实的 D&D 体验,以及隐藏战斗中敌人 HP 的功能,这同样更接近桌面风格。
Other options in Custom Mode include Short Rests fully healing the party, aswell as disabling Death Saving Throws, or even the ability to hide failedPerception Checks, which means you’ll never know there was even a roll to beginwith!
And Much More! 还有更多!
Patch 5 introduces a huge quality of life update in the form of improvedinventory access. Now while in camp, you will be able to manage the inventoryof companions who are not in your active party without having to recruit themfirst - all from one single UI.
第 5 补丁以改进库存访问的形式引入了一个巨大的生活质量更新。现在,当您在营地中时,您可以管理不在活动队伍中的同伴的库存,而无需先招募他们--所有这些都只需通过一个用户界面即可完成。
This update also brings performance improvements engineered as a consequence ofthe Xbox version of Baldur’s Gate 3, which benefits all platforms.
这次更新还带来了《博德之门 3》Xbox 版本带来的性能改进,所有平台都能从中受益。
To our friends in Korea:
이제 Baldur’s Gate 3를 한국어로 플레이할 수 있습니다!
致韩国的朋友们:《博德之门 3》现在有了你们的语言版本!
Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available with Korean-language subtitles!
博德之门 3》现已推出韩语字幕!
You can also expect to find new changes for those who choose to becomehalf-illithid, with your transformation now visually affecting your eyes.
And finally, we have updated our in-game credits to include a dedication inmemory of our friend and colleague Jim Southworth, who passed away earlier thismonth.
We are still actively working on improving kisses for
all romanceable companions
, so expect even more new animationsfeaturing unique snogging methods for our characters. No romance partner hasbeen forgotten! Some characters were just a little too eager to get out.
With that, let’sunfurl the patch notes.