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Just Accepted
Authors: Nana Zhang, Min Xiong, Dandan Zhu, Kun Zhu, Guangtao Zhai, Xiaokang Yang
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
Accepted on 20 September 2024
Online AM: 11 October 2024 Publication History
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With the remarkable advancement of deep learning techniques and the wide availability of large-scale datasets, the performance of audio-visual saliency prediction has been drastically improved. Actually, audio-visual saliency prediction is still at an early exploration stage due to the spatial-temporal signal complexity and dynamic continuity of video content. To our knowledge, most existing audio-visual saliency prediction approaches usually represent videos as 3D grid of RGB values using discrete convolution neural networks (CNNs), which inevitably incurs video content-agnostic and ignores the dynamic continuity issues. This paper proposes a novel parametric audio-visual saliency (PAVS) model with implicit neural representation (INR) to address the aforementioned problems. Specifically, by using the proposed parametric neural network, we can effectively encode the space-time coordinates of video frames into corresponding saliency values, which can significantly enhance the compact feature representation ability. Meanwhile, a parametric feature fusion method is developed to achieve intrinsic interactions between audio and visual information streams, which can adaptively fuse audio and visual features to obtain competitive performance. Notably, without resorting to any specific audio-visual feature fusion strategy, the proposed PAVS model outperforms other state-of-the-art saliency methods by a large margin.
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Index Terms
Audio-visual Saliency Prediction Model with Implicit Neural Representation
Computing methodologies
Artificial intelligence
Computer vision
Computer vision problems
Interest point and salient region detections
- Audio-visual aligned saliency model for omnidirectional video with implicit neural representation learning
Since the audio information is fully explored and leveraged in omnidirectional videos (ODVs), the performance of existing audio-visual saliency models has been improving dramatically and significantly. However, these models are still in their ...
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- Audio-visual saliency prediction with multisensory perception and integration
Audio-visual saliency prediction (AVSP) is a task that aims to model human attention patterns in the perception of auditory and visual scenes. Given the challenges associated with perceiving and combining multi-modal saliency features from videos,...
- A three-stream multisensory framework for audio-visual saliency prediction.
- Image saliency model offers image saliency for feature fusion with dynamic saliency.
- A self-supervised audio-visual fusion block fuses auditory and visual ...
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- A Novel Lightweight Audio-visual Saliency Model for Videos
Audio information has not been considered an important factor in visual attention models regardless of many psychological studies that have shown the importance of audio information in the human visual perception system. Since existing visual attention ...
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ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and ApplicationsJust Accepted
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Publication History
Online AM: 11 October 2024
Accepted: 20 September 2024
Revised: 03 June 2024
Received: 29 September 2023
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- Implicit neural representation
- audio-visual saliency prediction
- parameterized feature fusion method
- generative model
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