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Reynolds Gone Fishin'Registered User regular
November 15
Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge on My Former Party Members (Shinjiteita Nakama-tachi ni Dungeon Okuchi de Korosarekaketa ga Gift "Mugen Gacha" de Level 9999 no Nakama-tachi o Te ni Irete Moto Party Member to Sekai ni Fukushuu & "Zamaa!" Shimasu!)
Badablack Registered User regular
November 15
I'm all for a good revenge story but the Count of Monte Cristo I don't think that is.
FC: 1435-5383-0883
Madican No face Registered User regular
November 15
The premise sounded so trash that even I didn't read the manga
AngelHedgie Registered User regular
November 15
BahamutZERO wrote: »
cj iwakura wrote: »
rhylith wrote: »
I have no idea what that is
I'm going to assume and fear that it's a Macross thing.
I think I heard a character say "aquarion" in there somewhere so guessing it's that
Yeah, that's definitely some Aquarion flavored gooseshit.
XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
AngelHedgie Registered User regular
November 15
Badablack wrote: »
I'm all for a good revenge story but the Count of Monte Cristo I don't think that is.
I mean, we already have Anime Monte Cristo (and it's actually good, with art direction that very likely involved drugs.)
XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
silence1186 Character shields down! As a wingmanRegistered User regular
November 15
Trying to jam as many isekai premises as possible in one title?
Morninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
November 15
I don't know the lore for why Aquarion is bad (never seen anything related to it).
(PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
Reynolds Gone Fishin'Registered User regular
November 15
I know in one season the robots are powered by orgasms.
Kana Registered User regular
November 15
Reynolds wrote: »
I know in one season the robots are powered by orgasms.
Nono that's the good part of aquarion, it was the rest of it that sucked.
For a certain definition of good, anyway.
A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
Kana Registered User regular
12:02AM edited 12:02AM
I'm definitely in the minority opinion on the recent dandadan episode
Like yeah it was well directed, very intense, etc. But damn dude did we really need an intensely realistic and violent sequence about a woman being abused dropped right in the middle of the - until now - light entertainment? There a lot of stories where I'd be singing praise to the director for it, if it was a show that was going to continue examining those ideas in a direct way. Dropping it into this story feels like they were just making it shocking for the sake of being shocking, when we're just gonna go back to ball jokes next week and never mention it again. I thought the way the manga handled it was more appropriate to the overall tone of the story.
Anyway I say all that with a heavy dose of ambivalent, it was well done, I don't think someone's wrong to have liked it, I just don't think it worked for me in the larger context of the show.
Kana at
A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
Local H Jay Registered User regular
You're more than free to feel that way, but imo a lot of the greatest art tackles tough subjects. The world can be both funny and tragic, things can be dire one moment and silly the next. I can't tell you how many times I've been in shouting matches with a family member or someone important to me, only for us to laugh about it later.
I would say that also, the show hasn't been all that light in tone before that either
With the reveal of all those dead girls from the tunnel
This is clearly a story about something larger than just the paranormal, it's just the somewhat fun and goofy lense through which they've chosen to explore those themes
TNTrooper Registered User regular
Reynolds wrote: »
Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge on My Former Party Members (Shinjiteita Nakama-tachi ni Dungeon Okuchi de Korosarekaketa ga Gift "Mugen Gacha" de Level 9999 no Nakama-tachi o Te ni Irete Moto Party Member to Sekai ni Fukushuu & "Zamaa!" Shimasu!)
I tried reading the LN when J-Novel picked it up but dropped it pretty fast cause it was just trying to be the edgiest edge lord revenge story.
Havelock2.0 What are you? Some kind of half-assed astronaut?Registered User regular
Local H Jay wrote: »
You're more than free to feel that way, but imo a lot of the greatest art tackles tough subjects. The world can be both funny and tragic, things can be dire one moment and silly the next. I can't tell you how many times I've been in shouting matches with a family member or someone important to me, only for us to laugh about it later.
I would say that also, the show hasn't been all that light in tone before that either
With the reveal of all those dead girls from the tunnel
This is clearly a story about something larger than just the paranormal, it's just the somewhat fun and goofy lense through which they've chosen to explore those themes
Right. Vengeful Ghosts/Spirits don’t get that way because their lives ended in a pleasant manner.
You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water, our shark.
Havelock2.0 What are you? Some kind of half-assed astronaut?Registered User regular
TNTrooper wrote: »
Reynolds wrote: »
Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge on My Former Party Members (Shinjiteita Nakama-tachi ni Dungeon Okuchi de Korosarekaketa ga Gift "Mugen Gacha" de Level 9999 no Nakama-tachi o Te ni Irete Moto Party Member to Sekai ni Fukushuu & "Zamaa!" Shimasu!)
I tried reading the LN when J-Novel picked it up but dropped it pretty fast cause it was just trying to be the edgiest edge lord revenge story.
Arifureta has that covered
You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water, our shark.
Lars Registered User regular
I think I just insta-skip on anything with being "backstabbed by the party" or a cheat skill mentioned in the title.
It took someone here telling me the actual premise of My Instant Death Ability is So Overpowered to get me to take a look at that since it is both mocking most of the others with titles like that and actually has an interesting twist on the premise.
He didn't get the power from being isekai'd. His entire class got isekai'd and got powers, but he slept through that part and didn't get one. However, it turns out that he already had a power, even back on Earth...because he's the entire concept of the end of all things in the form of a human teenager. Several of his classmates turn out to be undercover agents from various government agencies on Earth that were terrified of him and wanted to keep tabs on him.
At one point the goddess that isekai'd the class isekai's a scientist from Earth to ask what the hell is up with this kid, and the scientist just goes "Oh, you're the reason he disappeared from Earth? Thank you so much for getting him the hell off our planet!"
It also helps that the MC isn't an edgelord or anything, he's actually just a lazy teenager that would rather play his Switch than deal with all this fantasy world crap, and will generally take the shortest route through whatever his current predicament is (usually the shortest route is making whatever is in his way drop dead). He's also working towards returning towards Earth instead of just accepting his new life in fantasy land.
Madican No face Registered User regular
Havelock2.0 wrote: »
TNTrooper wrote: »
Reynolds wrote: »
Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge on My Former Party Members (Shinjiteita Nakama-tachi ni Dungeon Okuchi de Korosarekaketa ga Gift "Mugen Gacha" de Level 9999 no Nakama-tachi o Te ni Irete Moto Party Member to Sekai ni Fukushuu & "Zamaa!" Shimasu!)
I tried reading the LN when J-Novel picked it up but dropped it pretty fast cause it was just trying to be the edgiest edge lord revenge story.
Arifureta has that covered
Arifureta doesn't have a candle on The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Exterminates with Darkness.
It is far more edgy than its title looks, if you can believe it. The "protagonist" targets not only his former party members who killed him, but also the royalty who ordered his death, the people who cheered his death, and last I read a chapter he was working towards killing the god of death because sure why not.
I do not recommend.
Havelock2.0 What are you? Some kind of half-assed astronaut?Registered User regular
Madican wrote: »
Havelock2.0 wrote: »
TNTrooper wrote: »
Reynolds wrote: »
Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge on My Former Party Members (Shinjiteita Nakama-tachi ni Dungeon Okuchi de Korosarekaketa ga Gift "Mugen Gacha" de Level 9999 no Nakama-tachi o Te ni Irete Moto Party Member to Sekai ni Fukushuu & "Zamaa!" Shimasu!)
I tried reading the LN when J-Novel picked it up but dropped it pretty fast cause it was just trying to be the edgiest edge lord revenge story.
Arifureta has that covered
Arifureta doesn't have a candle on The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Exterminates with Darkness.
It is far more edgy than its title looks, if you can believe it. The "protagonist" targets not only his former party members who killed him, but also the royalty who ordered his death, the people who cheered his death, and last I read a chapter he was working towards killing the god of death because sure why not.
I do not recommend.
You go in the cage, cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water, our shark.
Beef Avenger Registered User regular
DanDaDan 7
didn't realize on initial watch that the dance was depicting her suicide until I read some comments
Heavy but very good episode
Steam ID
PSN: Robo_Wizard1+1
King Riptor Registered User regular
Enigmedic wrote: »
yeah that episode 7 was sure something. the tone episode to episode is fucking WILD in dandadan.
Its a silly teen shonen show but it also makes it clear the real world exists and is awful and these kids are being dragged kicking and screaming into it
I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
King Riptor Registered User regular
Tofystedeth wrote: »
Wasn't the very first scene her breaking up with an abusive boyfriend?
Yeah. He kept trying to press her into sex too
I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
Wearingglasses Of the friendly neighborhood variety Registered User regular
Kana wrote: »
Reynolds wrote: »
I know in one season the robots are powered by orgasms.
Nono that's the good part of aquarion, it was the rest of it that sucked.
For a certain definition of good, anyway.
Not having watched any Aquarion - that's the good part??
ArcTangent Registered User regular
Aquarion is a franchise about reincarnated X-Men teenagers who fly planes which combine into giant robots through orgasms. The giant robot(s) are sometimes a banana.
Regardless, the style, aesthetics, and tone seems to be... uh, a bit different from its previous incarnations.
Wearingglasses Of the friendly neighborhood variety Registered User regular
The second video reminded me of what I like about the Dandadan manga (this isn't a spoiler): no loli bait characters.
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